AR & Live Events

Ruslan Karimov
3 min readMar 1, 2022

We have all, knowingly or unknowingly, engaged with some form of AR (Augmented Reality) at some stage. From TikTok and Instagram filters to the apps which allow you to extend reality, but we would like to talk today about another type of AR which allows you to transform live events and give content another dimension.

Our experiments started during the pre-covid era when our main focus was still on live, physical audience experiences. However, it became interesting once the focus was divided between engaging both physical and virtual audiences during the pandemic.

Brands and companies started to look for new ways to engage their audiences. This audience engagement has taken on many forms such as 3D stages, 3D studios, CG animations, 3D venues (now evolving as metaverses), and many others. As companies have transitioned back to hosting physical events, virtual audiences remain an important consideration. Companies have opted to rather host hybrid events which include both physical and virtual audiences. This becomes more of a challenge to promote audience retention to both physical and virtual audiences. One of the biggest challenges for event producers today is how to promote virtual audience engagement. From our experience, one of the best ways to transform your events and make them more engaging is to use AR for your live events.

What is AR for Live Events

Imagine a physical stage or a studio. It can be small, medium or large and you have a plan to deliver an exceptional show. You have planned exhilarating content and exciting topics which you want to broadcast live to a physical and virtual audience. You have the best camera technology, a show caller, and an AV team to make it happen. Your event will most likely run smoothly, but how will your event be different to other events? How will you make your events memorable and drive the most audience engagement to achieve a higher return on investment? Why not turn your events into magical, unforgettable experiences for your virtual audiences by using AR?

How does AR work

It has few ingredients :)

  • Camera Setup
  1. You can use one camera or multiple static cameras or a tracking camera for even better effects.
  2. When using multiple cameras, you would need a camera director.
  3. A video mixer can be used to trigger the content system to switch the angles of graphics automatically.
  4. The hardest part is usually getting camera angles right.
  • Content
  1. 3D animated content timed with the presentation proceedings takes the content to another level and keeps audiences enthralled.
  2. AR content can be interactive. Speakers can interact with 3D elements.
  3. You won’t need to spend a lot of your budget for the physical setup because you can enhance your event more using AR elements.
  4. Real-time systems allow you to change content on the fly and manipulate data during the show.
  5. If you have a multi-camera setup, 3D overlays can match specific camera angles.
  6. It can be flat image content placed on physical stages or 3D animated content. It usually depends on your time and budget.
  7. Content systems have 2 separate applications, one for running content and another for controlling content.
  • Stream Producer / Content Operator
  1. It’s important to get a professional stream producer or content operator onboard. This person will understand your content and script/speech and will be able to manage your content delivery effectively.

Why have AR at your live event

  • To enhance the experiences of your virtual or physical audiences.
  • When the virtual audience is larger than the physical audience.
  • Deliver information about the product/service in detail which wouldn’t be possible on flat screens.
  • When you want to try something new.

Some Examples

